Teacher Development
DOWNDOG ACADEMY – Teacher Development Programme
A course designed for any Yoga Teachers/Students with 200hour or more TT certificate.
In Studio Cost : €700 – Online Cost: €300
Limited Places Available
A course designed for any Yoga Teachers/Students with 200hour or more TT certificate.
Strengthening your own practice – As a teacher your own practice to be continually evolving, you need to be
able to inspire your students, for this you need to be inspired. This does not mean you have to be able to do all
the “tricks”, but have a practice that shows you are dedicated practitioner, and you are benefiting from the
magical energy of yoga.
Other styles of teaching – Yoga is not one size fits all, yes you can adapt asanas to suit individual bodies,
and this is wonderful. Yet if you aspire to being an innovative teacher the more ideas, flows, adaptations, tips
you have in your “Yoga tool box” – The more your students will benefit.
Teaching with confidence – This confidence comes with time and with practice and knowing how each pose
should feel and look. Adjustments, assists, alignments are in the beginning confusing in the sense of how much
pressure to use, where to touch, where hold and how to verbally bring awareness to students to postures – This
is best practised on other teachers who will give you helpful, honest feedback.
Teaching poses your body doesn’t do – We do not need to be able to master a posture to teach the
posture. Some bodies will never do certain poses. Yet once you know how the asana is taught, know the
anatomy of the posture and what muscles are being used – You can teach and assist in the pose.
Experiencing other Yoga Teachers – Be inspired by other schools of yoga, other styles of yoga. Even if the
class is not for you -Too slow & meditative, or a class with too few poses & too many props. You may not love the
actual class but you will be able to use what you have learnt in the class and use this knowledge.You can always take at least 3 positive ideas from any class to bring to your own practice and your own students.
Living a Yoga Life – This is a subjective topic, and like all philosophies, Yoga philosophy can be interpreted
differently depending on what you read or listen to. Richard Freeman infamously said “Yoga ruins your Life” …
He did go on to explain that if you do practise yoga on a regular basis – the auto pilot of “life” that at times we all
fall into is slowly transformed into a life that is naturally more awake, balanced, healthy and happy. The little
things that used to bother you don’t so much anymore. You feel less stressed, more balanced and content.
Relationships become easier as emotions thoughts and feelings become clearer and less reactive. Late nights,
over indulging in food or alcohol are not compatible with your new constant companion – Yoga. Yoga brings
about change, both within you and to those around you. It is a constant journey of transformation, a path as a
teacher you need to travel in order to share to your students.
Teaching a class – Be the lead teacher, the assistant or the designer of the class. Choose at least one –
Take a class, assist a class, or create a class. The Studio will be available to you through-out the duration of the
course if you would like to do host a class.
Course includes
6 Saturdays 8.45am – 4.45pm
2 Guest Yoga Teachers – One Gentle / One Strong
Vegetarian Food Afternoon – “In House” with Nutritional Information.
Saturday 11 th March
Saturday 18 th March
Saturday 1 st April
Saturday 15 nd April
Saturday 6 th May
Saturday 27 th May
€700 – IN STUDIO (Limited to 8)
€300 – ONLINE
To Book a Place
Non-refundable deposit of €250
If you have any questions about the course, or if you would like to explore if this course is for you – Please contact me I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to bringing more Yoga to you and to others around you.